miércoles, 18 de abril de 2007

The CALL and the Net

The CALL and the Net

In education environments, CALL (Computer-assisted Language Learning) has been utilized for language teaching since 60s, within different pedagogical approaches (Warschauer & Healey, 1998) and its correspondent development throughout the years. CALL is usually identify as CMC (Computer-mediated Communication) which allows learners to communicate with other learners (or native speakers, instructors, etc.) in the target language, as long as they are connected to the Internet and have the appropriate technology tools for communication (e.g., computer, micro, special software, etc.). CMC tool is often divided in ACMC (Asynchronous Computer-mediated Communication) and SCMC (Synchronous Computer-mediated Communication). The most popular ACMC tools are email and fora, which permit participants to compose messages whenever they wish. The most frequent tools in SCMC are chats or MOOs which allow participants to have a simultaneous conversation (written/oral) in real time regardless where they are located. CMC allows one-to-one communication and also one-to-many communication. (Kern & Warschaueecr, 2000). In the 90s, the use of SCMC, usually referred to as chats, was in an exploratory stage. Recently, many studies in CMC have been adopted the interactionist approach in Second Language Acquisition (Thorne & Payne, 2005). Many interactionist SLA studies focus on the importance of negotiation of meaning, focus on form, task based learning, and collaborative learning being very useful in online distance education (Blake, 2005).

In recent times, educators, researchers, companies, people in general have shown a great interest in the uses of computers for language teaching and learning. (Warschauer & Healey, 1998). Not long ago, the special uses of computers were restricted to certain people because programs were not easy to use and understand. Nowadays, programs are user-friendly and these programs are open to the mass, consequently more people may be able to use (and maybe go beyond) these new available technology tools. Therefore, the role of computers when learning a language has now become an important issue for educators and professionals (Warschauer & Healey, 1998).

The combination of CALL and Internet has reinvented the way in which computers are used for learning foreign languages. Internet-mediated communication has driven the use of new technological tools in educational settings such as Wikis, blogs, and podcasts, among others, and professionals are taking advantage of these new emerging educational tools.


  • Thorne, S. L., & Payne, J. S. (2005). Evolutionary Trajectories, Internet-mediated Expression, and Language Education. The CALICO Journal, 22/3: 371-397.
  • Warschauer, Mark & Healey, Deborah (1998). Computers and language learning: An overview. Language Teaching, 31, 57-71.
  • Blake, Robert (2005). Bimodal CMC: The glue of language learning at a distance. CALICO Journal, 22(3): 497-511.
  • Kern, Richard & Warschauer, Mark (2000). Theory and practice of network-based language teaching. In M. Warschauer & R. Kern (Eds.), Network-based language teaching: Concepts and practice. New York: CambridgeUniversity Press.

sábado, 14 de abril de 2007

DIWE-Education al Software

If you want to have more information about DIWE such as pricing, specifications and more, you can have a look in their Web Site: http://www.daedalus.com/

Pricing (April 14th, 2007): $189 per computer; Site Licensing $8.500 and up.

DIWE-Telecollaboration Program

Telecollaboration Program

I just read about a program called DIWE, which stands for Daedalus Integrated Writing Environment. DIWE is a perfect collaborative tool that helps learners to develop their skills in writing and critical thinking. The software includes six primary features:

Invent: This feature of the software leads the students step by step in their first progress of their writing process.

Write: This feature of the software is a word processor that has a spell checking feature. It will help students to write and correct their essays.

Respond: This feature of the software helps learners to give an appropriate feedback to their classmates or peers displaying a writer’s draft and guiding the reviewer.

Mail: This feature gives the student the opportunity to communicate with public messages (to the entire class) or privates messages (to one classmate). CMC is fundamental for collaborative learning.

InterChange®: This feature of the software is great for collaboration projects because allows students share their opinions, talk, listen, review essays, and discussions on the topics, among others, since InterChange is a real-time conferencing program.

BiblioCite®: This feature helps students to write all the sources that they are using in their projects or essays in a properly formatted MLA Works Cited and APA References pages.

DIWE can be ideal for Foreign Language classrooms since it has the feature of spell checking in various languages (Spanish, French, and German) and a thesaurus.

lunes, 9 de abril de 2007

Where in the world is Susana?

Technology Integrated Curricular Unit Development Project

Aaron Dringus

Carmen Castro García

Susana García Prudencio

Julie Pfursich

Mandy Reinig

Description of the course

The following curricular unit has been developed for Spanish 003 at The Pennsylvania State University (UP). Spanish 003 is the third and final level of the Spanish Basic Language Program at Penn State. This course is designed for students who have completed Spanish 002 successfully at Penn State, have had the equivalent level at another university, and for students who have successfully completed four years of high school Spanish. There are no more than 22 students enrolled in each section of the course. The purpose of this course is to develop and improve communication skills such as listening, reading, speaking, and writing in Spanish.

Spanish 003 is a 4 credit computer enhanced one semester course in which classes are held twice a week for 50 minutes. Instead of having class four times a week, students are responsible for completing assignments online (ANGEL) each week. These assignments typically take 6 hours to complete and include lessons on vocabulary and grammar. There are listening comprehension and reading comprehension activities that include information on the culture of Spanish speaking countries, as well as a short activity on pronunciation (i.e., students are asked to listen to someone produce a word, and they must choose if the person was a native or nonnative Spanish speaker). The ANGEL activities are completed one week prior to when the topic will be covered during class time, therefore students are introduced to and practice new material through ANGEL prior to it being discussed in class. This allows students to finish the assignments at their own pace and to receive immediate feedback on their performance. Students are allowed to submit each activity twice, and the best score is used in the calculation for their final ANGEL grade. In addition to ANGEL, students complete eight written assignments, which are due at the beginning of the class on the dates indicated by the syllabus. They are instructed to write at least 100 words in Spanish on the given topic. Therefore, each week students are asked to write about a different theme and to use the target grammatical form and vocabulary. These writing assignments are hand graded by the instructor. Students performance is also evaluated on three written exams (each exam includes a listening, grammar, vocabulary, and writing section), an oral exam, and their in class participation. Participation includes class attendance, and contribution to in class activities.

The two in class periods are organized in the following manner: review of content seen on ANGEL (5 minutes), individual and group activities (35-40 minutes), introduction to what they will be learning on ANGEL for the following week (5 minutes). The individual and group activities include oral/written input, and oral/written output. The focus of these class periods is for the students to practice what they have learned on ANGEL so the classes are not teacher centered. The classes are well structured in that the instructor has a series of activities for the students to complete, but the students do most of the conversing in class.

The content of Spanish 003 includes a review of grammatical information learned in Spanish 002 such as object pronouns, the verb “gustar”, and preterit and imperfect tenses. The students then learn both the present and imperfect subjunctive tenses, informal commands, positive and negative expressions, the future and conditional tenses, and the present and past perfect tenses. The vocabulary consists of health conditions and medical treatments, travel, social demographics and conditions, and the environment and technology.

Description of the Unit

Unit content

The unit for this curricular is the future tense which includes three subunits: future tense, vocabulary (environment and technology), and probability in the future tense. For example, when expressing probability the future tense can be used as follows; if someone is asked the time and does not know, but is assuming it is around noon he could say, “serán las doce” to mean “it’s probably noon”.

As the students will be learning to communicate using the future tense, the unit is organized using technology enhanced activities to discuss what the world will be like in twenty years, an activity to practice the new vocabulary and lastly to figure out what the teacher of the class could possibly be doing and where she could be in the future. These three activities target each of the subunits of this unit. The activities presented here are described in further detail below.

Activities for Unit:

  • What’s Happening in 2025?
    • Class uses a Wiki to create a round robin story about the future
  • Scavenger Hunt
    • Students (in groups) use digital cameras to photograph items that represent the vocabulary words, and then use a Wiki to guess the correct word for each photograph.
  • Where in the World is Susana (Instructor)
    • Students use Skype and blogs to figure out where the instructor could be after being given clues via email.

Rationale for choice of unit theme:

As the goal of this curricular is to be implemented during class, this unit was chosen primarily because it coincides with the current Spanish 003 course syllabus. The future tense is fairly simple to construct, and students typically do not have problems with its form. In Spanish 001 students learn another manner of expressing the future, which is “ir + a + infinitive” (In English, “going to do something”). Many times students resort to this grammatical construction because they have been practicing it for two semesters, so they do not use the future tense as often as they could. These activities will help students become comfortable using the future tense, and will also help them understand when it is more appropriate to use “ir + a + infinitive” or the future tense. The vocabulary for this unit corresponds to the vocabulary being presented to the students on ANGEL and in the book.

Means used to conceptualize the content

As a group, we collectively decided on the curricular unit, and the content. As the main goal is to implement technology in the unit development, we decided to use many means of technology. The students are already comfortable using some means of technology such as email and instant message being that they are university students, and registered for a computer-enhanced course, but we wanted to integrate as much technology as possible to keep the students interested, and to help them practice different communication skills. Maintaining students’ interest is crucial in deciding what activities to utilize. We kept in mind that students are already using many of these technologies on a daily basis and wanted to take advantage of its common use.

Each activity is carefully designed to use one or more means of technology with the option to choose, i.e. use a blog instead of a Wiki. The first activity is an extension on one of the written assignments. Students are asked to write a 100 word essay about what the world will be like in the year 2025, including advancements in technology and the environment, to implement the vocabulary of the unit. This technology activity, however, requires students to not only produce sentences using the target form, but to also read and understand the sentences produced by their classmates.

The goal of the second activity is for the students to be able to produce both the target vocabulary word and a definition for the word. Many times vocabulary activities are boring, and do not encourage students to produce much in the target language. The activity created asks that the students go outside with their cameras and take pictures of the vocabulary words which ultimately allow them to apply the Spanish words to their world. The students then must share these photographs with their classmates and they have to guess the each other’s vocabulary word.

The material for the final activity is the most challenging because it expresses probability in the future. Students typically grasp the idea of the future tense quickly, but they forget that they can express probability by using the same tense. The idea for this activity stemmed from the idea of working in groups and creating some friendly competition in class while the students not only learn about the target form, but also they also learn about other cultures. The first two activities do not include cultural awareness, but the instructor can easily implement cultural learning in the third. For example, if the instructor is from Spain she can explain the types of food, the lifestyle, the geography, etc. to help the students guess where she will be. This can also lead into a group cultural discussion once the activity is completed.

Unit goals & objectives


  • Develop Spanish language communicate skills including reading, writing and speaking
  • To consider the reality of the first activity when postulating what the world will be like in the year 2025. This would overlap with what the students are learning in other courses such as science, sociology, ITS, etc.
  • Understand cultures different from their own
  • To integrate technology in a way that facilitates learning and acquisition


  • Develop Spanish language reading and writing skills through the completion of written assignments
  • Develop additional Spanish language listening skills by speaking with classmates
  • Develop additional reading and writing skills by completing the Wiki (or blog) assignments

Activity Objectives (According to ACTFL Standards)

Activity 1

  • Students work cooperatively in groups using the language to create a round robin story and exchange ideas (1.1)
  • Students comprehend the created story in the target language (1.2)
  • Students produce the story in the target language (1.3)
  • Students develop their knowledge of technology by the use of the target language and the technology skills used in the activity (3.1)

Activity 2

  • Students engage in conversation negotiating photos being taken, creation and interpretation of clues, and creation of sentences for each word. (1.1)
  • Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on technology and the environment. (1.2)
  • Students present information, concepts, and ideas to their classmates regarding their photographs and vocabulary terms. (1.3)
  • Students demonstrate an understanding of the vocabulary terms of specific countries and their meanings. (2.2)
  • Students reinforce and further their knowledge of technology and the environment through the Spanish language. (3.1)
  • Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the images of objects that represent a specific word in their culture and those of other countries. (4.2)
  • Students use the language both in class, outside of class and on the Internet. (5.1)

Activity 3

  • Students work cooperatively in groups using the language to try and find the instructor (1.1)
  • Students comprehend and interpret the clues in the target language (1.2)
  • Students produce guesses in the target language (1.3)
  • Students produce guesses that reflect the culture and destination of the instructor (2.1)
  • Students read clues about the target culture of the instructor (2.2)
  • Students develop their knowledge of technology by the use of the target language and the technology skills used in the activity (3.1)
  • Students compare and contrast the clues given between various cultures. (4.2)
  • Students develop insights into their own future language use. (5.2)

Organization of content

This unit is organized so that students will use a variety of communication skills and various means of technology. The purpose is to integrate technology into class activities to facilitate learning. Each activity is organized using at least one means of technology, and focuses on only one goal. The first is to comprehend and produce sentences using the future tense, the second is to practice vocabulary, and the third is to use the future tense to express probability. These activities are to be incorporated into the unit for future and conditional tenses according to the Spanish 003 syllabus.

Evaluation of unit

The instructor of the class will walk around the classroom during the course of the activities to ensure that students understand the instructions and that they are on task. If students are having difficulty understanding the activities the instructor will make appropriate adaptations. At the end of each activity the instructor will survey the students for their opinions on the activities and if any changes need to be made. They will also be asked if the use of technology aided them in the learning process. The instructor will also evaluate the activities themselves to determine how successful they were and if any additions or changes are needed.

Student evaluation of unit

Students’ performance in each activity will be evaluated by the instructor. These activities will be graded for completeness, and it will count as part of the students’ participation grades. The instructor, however, will review each activity with the class and discuss problem areas seen in the writing. The students will be tested on this information during the second in class written exam.

Activity 1

Title: What’s Happening in 2025?

Activity Type: Project – Story Creation in Wiki

Language: Spanish

Also possible: Any

Topic: Grammar – Future Tense

CMC Tool: Wiki
also possible: Discussion Board

Group Size: Individual and Whole Class
also possible: Small Groups

The project must be preceded by the ANGEL lesson and written assignments.

As students have already been presented with and used the future tense on their ANGEL assignments, this activity will be a continuation of the lesson. Students will work individually to create a round robin story. Students will be assigned a date and time when they are to write their section of the story. They will comprise this story about the future on a Wiki, which the instructor will start. The instructor will have access the Wiki to give enhanced recasts/feedback on the story. At the beginning of the next in-class period the teacher will bring copies of the completed story and students will take turns reading the parts the wrote.

Student work should be assessed according to each point below.

Activity Objective – The purpose of this activity is to further the student’s knowledge and use of the future tense and their understanding of advanced technology through the use of Wikis.

Student Objectives:

1.1 –Students work cooperatively in groups using the language to create a round robin story and exchange ideas

1.2 –Students comprehend the created story in the target language

1.3 –Students produce the story in the target language

3.1 –Students develop their knowledge of technology by the use of the target language and the technology skills used in the activity

Pre-class Assignment: Students must watch their ANGEL video lesson on the future tense as well as complete their ANGEL written activities.

Students will also have to complete the readings and research on Wikis, including investigating how Wikipedia works.

Materials: ANGEL lesson, presentation, activities

Spanish/English Dictionary


Student Instructions

  • Prepare for the activity by completing the ANGEL lesson and activities
  • Prepare for the activity by researching Wikis and Wikipedia
  • Read the story as it is being written and think of possible ideas for your portion of the story
  • Write a continuation of the story at their assigned day and time
  • Read the completed story
  • Read orally their portion of the story during the next class period
Teacher Instructions
  • Set up a Wiki website
  • Assist students in creating accounts to post in the Wiki environment
  • Assign students a date and time to write their portion of the story
  • Needs to create the beginning of the round robin story
  • Needs to monitor story
  • Gives enhanced recast/feedback on student’s creation
  • Access students on the student objectives
  • Bring copies of the completed story to the next class

Variations: “Choose Your Own Adventure” Story – Students will create a story that can have different endings. The story will have the same beginning but the readers can choose their own ending. Each small group of students will be responsible for writing a different ending. The class as a whole will decide on the story topic and its beginning.


Activity 2

Title: Scavenger Hunt

Activity Type: Project – Vocabulary Scavenger Hunt

Language: Spanish

also possible: Any

Topic: Environment and Technology vocabulary

General Tools: Digital Camera, Computers, E-mail, Spanish-English Online Dictionary and Photo Editing Software

CMC Tool: Wiki

also possible: Discussion board

Group size: Small groups

also possible: Individual

Description: Scavenger Hunt! Class is divided up into groups and each group is sent a different set of vocabulary words. They are asked to take pictures of these vocabulary words using a digital camera. They will post these pictures onto the class Wiki including a clue to their vocabulary word. The other class members must give the word and write a sentence using that new word.

Students Objectives:

1.1 – Students engage in conversation negotiating photos being taken, creation and interpretation of clues, and creation of sentences for each word.

1.2 – Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on technology and the environment.

1.3 – Students present information, concepts, and ideas to their classmates regarding their photographs and vocabulary terms.

2.2 – Students demonstrate an understanding of the vocabulary terms of specific countries and their meanings.

3.1 – Students reinforce and further their knowledge of technology and the environment through the Spanish language.

4.2 – Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the images of objects that represent a specific word in their culture and those of other countries.

5.1 – Students use the language both in class, outside of class and on the Internet.

Pre-class assignment: Students must watch their ANGEL presentation on the vocabulary as well as complete their ANGEL written activities.

Students will also have to complete the readings and research on Wikis, including investigating how Wikipedia works if they have not done it yet.

Students must gather their vocabulary words from their e-mail.

Materials: ANGEL lesson, presentation, activities, Spanish/English Dictionary

Student Instructions

  • Students check their e-mail for their vocabulary terms.
  • Negotiate in Spanish about which photos to take.
  • Take pictures that represent the vocabulary terms assigned.
  • They post these pictures onto the class Wiki including a clue to their vocabulary word.
  • Negotiate the clue in Spanish in regards to which word is being represented by the clue/photo.
  • The other class members must give the word and write a sentence using that new word.

Teacher Instructions

  • Teacher divides the class into groups.
  • Teacher assigns each group a set of vocabulary terms, which are sent by e-mail.
  • Teacher asks them to take pictures of items that represent the words.

Variations: A Wiki is perfect as a shared Internet encyclopedia. The theme of this Wiki could effortlessly be a number of things: family member, different places or any vocabulary activity.


Activity 3

Title: Where in the World is Susana (Instructor)?

Activity Type: Discussion

Language: Spanish

also possible: Any

Topic: Grammar – Future Tense and Vocabulary – Technology and Environment

CMC Tool: Email, Skype chat, SCMC chat, blog
also possible: Wiki

Group Size: Small Groups and Whole Class
also possible: Individual

The project must be preceded by the ANGEL lesson and written assignments.

Class will be divided into groups of 2-3 students. Susana (Instructor) will email different clues to each group about where she will be and what she will be doing in the future (for example, in the year 2025). Students must meet via Skype chat and SCMC chat during assigned days and times to discuss the clues they were given, and then each group will post on a blog their answers and their steps in finding Susana (Instructor). Each group will have to guess where Susana (Instructor) is and post their guess in a final blog entry by a given date. During the next class period, Susana (Instructor) will tell the class if they guessed correctly.

Student work should be assessed according to each point below.

Activity Objective – The purpose of this activity is to be a wrap-up activity that combines what the students have learned in their grammar and vocabulary lessons as well as give the students an opportunity to learn about other types of technology.

Also possible: This activity would be enhanced if the What’s Happening in 2025? and the Scavenger Hunt activities were completed previously.

Student Objectives:

1.1 – Students work cooperatively in groups using the language to try and find the instructor

1.2 – Students comprehend and interpret the clues in the target language

1.3 – Students produce guesses in the target language

2.1 – Students produce guesses that reflect the culture and destination of the instructor

2.2 – Students read clues about the target culture of the instructor

3.1 – Students develop their knowledge of technology by the use of the target language and the technology skills used in the activity

4.2 – Students compare and contrast the clues given between various cultures.

5.2 – Students develop insights into their own future language use.

Pre-class Assignment: Students must watch their ANGEL video lesson on the future tense as well as complete their ANGEL written activities.

Students will also have to complete the readings and research on blogs and Skype Chat, including investigating how blogs and Skype work.

Materials: ANGEL lesson, presentation, activities

Spanish/English Dictionary

Skype capable headphones/microphone

Computer and email account

Student Instructions

  • Prepare for the activity by completing the ANGEL lesson and activities
  • Prepare for the activity by researching blogs and Skype
  • Choose a group of 2-3 students each
  • Read your assigned clues via email
  • Participate in Skype and SCMC chats to discover more clues
  • Create blog entries on your thought process and your guesses
  • Negotiate within your group to determine your final guess using the information you have obtained via your clues and other groups’ clues
  • Post your final guess to your blog
  • Participate in class discussion regarding all groups final guesses

Teacher Instructions

  • Think of a future career and place for yourself
  • Email each student group different clues to your whereabouts
  • Set up blog website
  • Assist students in setting up Skype accounts
  • Choose a SCMC chat environment
  • Assign days and times for Skype and SCMC chats
  • Assign a deadline for final guesses to your whereabouts
  • Monitor chats and blog entries
  • Access students on the student objectives
  • Hold discussion during next class session on students’ final guesses

Variations: “Guess Who I Am”. The instructor could assign students roles of famous people. These students would then need to give the other student groups clues to their identity. Each group would then have to work together to guess the student’s identity.


domingo, 1 de abril de 2007

Where in the world is Susana? (draft 2)

Activity 1

Title: What’s Happening in 2025?

Activity Type: Project – Story Creation in Wiki

Language: Spanish

Also possible: Any

Topic: Grammar – Future Tense

CMC Tool: Wiki
also possible: Discussion Board

Group Size: Individual and Whole Class
also possible: Small Groups

The project must be preceded by the ANGEL lesson and written assignments.

As students have already been presented with and used the future tense on their ANGEL assignments, this activity will be a continuation of the lesson. Students will work individually to create a round robin story. Students will be assigned a date and time when they are to write their section of the story. They will comprise this story about the future on a Wiki, which the instructor will start. The instructor will have access the Wiki to give enhanced recasts/feedback on the story. At the beginning of the next in-class period the teacher will bring copies of the completed story and students will take turns reading the parts the wrote.

Student work should be assessed according to each point below.

Activity Objective – The purpose of this activity is to further the student’s knowledge and use of the future tense and their understanding of advanced technology through the use of Wikis.

Variations: “Choose Your Own Adventure” Story – Students will create a story that can have different endings. The story will have the same beginning but the readers can choose their own ending. Each small group of students will be responsible for writing a different ending. The class as a whole will decide on the story topic and its beginning.


Activity 2

Title: Scavenger Hunt

Activity Type: Project – Vocabulary Scavenger Hunt

Language: Spanish

also possible: Any

Topic: Environment and Technology vocabulary

General Tools: Digital Camera, Computers, E-mail, Spanish-English Online Dictionary and Photo Editing Software

CMC Tool: Wiki

also possible: Discussion board

Group size: Small groups

also possible: Individual

Description: Scavenger Hunt! Class is divided up into groups and each group is sent a different set of vocabulary words. They are asked to take pictures of these vocabulary words using a digital camera. They will post these pictures onto the class Wiki including a clue to their vocabulary word. The other class members must give the word and write a sentence using that new word.

Variations: A Wiki is perfect as a shared Internet encyclopedia. The theme of this Wiki could effortlessly be a number of things: family member, different places or any vocabulary activity.


Activity 3

Title: Where in the World is Susana (Instructor)?

Activity Type: Discussion

Language: Spanish

also possible: Any

Topic: Grammar – Future Tense and Vocabulary – Technology and Environment

CMC Tool: Email, Skype chat, SCMC chat, blog
also possible: Wiki

Group Size: Small Groups and Whole Class
also possible: Individual

The project must be preceded by the ANGEL lesson and written assignments.

Class will be divided into groups of 2-3 students. Susana (Instructor) will email different clues to each group about where she will be and what she will be doing in the future (for example, in the year 2025). Students must meet via Skype chat and SCMC chat during assigned days and times to discuss the clues they were given, and then each group will post on a blog their answers and their steps in finding Susana (Instructor). Each group will have to guess where Susana (Instructor) is and post their guess in a final blog entry by a given date. During the next class period, Susana (Instructor) will tell the class if they guessed correctly.

Student work should be assessed according to each point below.

Activity Objective – The purpose of this activity is to be a wrap-up activity that combines what the students have learned in their grammar and vocabulary lessons as well as give the students an opportunity to learn about other types of technology.

Also possible: This activity would be enhanced if the What’s Happening in 2025? and the Scavenger Hunt activities were completed previously.

Variation: “Guess Who I Am”. The instructor could assign students roles of famous people. These students would then need to give the other student groups clues to their identity. Each group would then have to work together to guess the student’s identity.
