Technology Integrated Curricular Unit Development Project
Project Description (1st draft)
Description of Course:
This project is created for Spanish 003 at The Pennsylvania State University (UP). Spanish 003 is the last level of the Spanish Basic Language Program. It is a 4 credit computer enhanced one semester course in which classes are held twice a week for 50 minutes, and students are responsible for completing assignments on online (ANGEL) which account for the other two class periods. Students are also responsible for written compositions, written exams, and an oral exam. There are 22 students enrolled in this section of the course. The purpose of this course is to develop and improve communication skills when listening, reading, speaking, and writing in Spanish. The course follows a communicative information-based task approach.
Description of Unit:
This unit is comprised of learning the future tense in Spanish which includes three subunits: future tense, vocabulary (technology and environment), and probability in the future tense.
Description of Activities:
1. Future Tense – What’s Happening in 2025? As students have already been presented with and used the future tense on their ANGEL assignments, this activity will be a continuation of the lesson. Students will work individually to create a round robin story. Students will be assignment a date and time when they are to write their section of the story. They will comprise this story about the future on a Wiki, which the instructor will start. The instructor will have access the Wiki to give enhanced recasts/feedback on the story.
2. Vocabulary (technology and environment) – Scavenger Hunt! Class is divided up into groups and each group is given a different set of vocabulary words. They are asked to take pictures of these vocabulary words using a digital camera. They will post these pictures onto the class Wiki including a clue to their vocabulary word. The other class members must give the word and write a sentence using that new word.
3. Probability in the future tense – Where in the World is Susana (Instructor)? Class will be divided into groups of 2-3 students. Susana will email different clues to each group about where she will be and what she will be doing in the future (for example, in the year 2025). Students must meet via Skype chat and SCMC chat to discuss the clues they were given, and then post on a blog their answers and their steps in finding Susana.